Member-only story
Journey of Life
Somethings you only meant to realize later in life and accept that you didn’t wish you learned them sooner
When you are in a relationship or married, do you feel defined in terms of that bond you have with someone? Before, it was you, and now you are ‘we.’ You go through life riding the highs with the lows. You bravely champion living for others, sacrificing yourself.
The most important part of a journey is where ever it is going. From learning to walk to riding a bike, our lives change direction over time, and we have to find new ways of becoming comfortable with the new terrain and setting our feet down wherever it leads us.
I’ve learned that after so many years, the longest journey you can take is not with someone but apart from each other. The journey you take alone to find yourself, your true self. So when your paths meet up again, the rest of the way is more meaningful.
It’s All a Revelation
Every step in life’s journey brings new insight, and the knowledge of what you have learned helps shape your current perspective. With a better understanding of where you’ve come from and how far you have to go, who you are today can function more effectively to be someone just as worthy as the person that has been shaping your entire…